Reci Easy
It is an awareness program with the aim of educating citizens in a simple way on the management of solid waste generated in the home, workplace or study center, addressing the legal framework (Law 64-00), realities and environmental problems of the community.
This Program was elaborated using model countries as experts in solid waste management, such as: Canada, Chile, Spain; all the mentioned ones obtaining success in their programs.
Environmental Benefits
Energy saving.
Protection of biodiversity.
Less consumption of natural resources.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction.
Main Objectives
Clean and organized communities.
Assist in the reduction of greenhouse gases.
Raise awareness and awareness on environmental issues.
Sustainable management of recyclable waste from communities.
Create jobs in a circular economy in which women separate materials by type and divers (destitute) work to collect waste.
Building Points RECIFACIL
Community call with the participation of families, schools, companies and entities in general with trained leaders articulated in Green brigades, responsible for promoting, motivating and executing the “RECYCLE POINTS for all” plan.
In all of them we train in an inclusive way through playful, fun activities with a four-axis focus, Right focus, Attention to diversity, gender focus and attention to disability, choosing as final beneficiaries families, via organized communities (schools , Churches, Neighborhood Councils).
Program Alliances
Meca Group company specialized in handling recyclable waste, specifically in the handling of all types of paper. Said company collects and exports said waste for mills that produce toilet paper, napkin, hand paper, newspaper and paper to make boxes. This contributes to the preservation of the environment.
Eco Glass SD company specialized in handling recyclable waste, specifically in the handling of all types of paper. Said company collects and exports said waste for mills that produce toilet paper, napkin, hand paper, newspaper and paper to make boxes. This contributes to the preservation of the environment.